Vera Engl

Naturopathic health practitioner for animals in Königstein and the surrounding area

At the very beginning of each way, there is a thought, an idea, a vision. My vision is to enrich humans and animals in their lives – to bring them “into healing”. This is how Akashas Healing, healing for humans AND animals, began.

Our live is manifold and challenging, for us as humans as well as for each animal, that shares our path. My wish is to show you how enriching and helpful a harmonic connection between our daily life, nature and our connection to our higher self, the divine part in all of us, can be.

Since many years I live in different worlds: in the world of banking, in the realm of energetic healing as well as in the world of natural medicine for animals. To me there is no “either – or”, there is only “as well as”. Our world seems full of contradictions, but to my experience and feeling, the world is full of synergies to be discovered and lived. Living in a harmonic environment for all of us, treating all creatures on earth with mutual respect, esteem and appreciation is my wish and vision for all of us.

Being a healer is not only about writing a therapy plan. It is the holistic awareness for all creatures, experiencing each single person and animal entirely. Being a healer stands for mutual support, carrying each other, helping each other. It is a gift I would like to pass on – for all of us. A way, we walk together.

I am looking forward to meet you!

Vera Engl
May all people and all living beings on this world be happy and free. May all my words, deeds and thoughts contribute to this happiness and freedom.
Mantra for healing, India

Memberships and Partners:

Member of the Verband Deutscher Tierheilpraktiker (VdT)
(German association of Naturopathic health practitioners for animals)
Sabine Breiler
Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie, Freies Heilen & Transformation, Firmen-Coaching, Space-Clearing

Sabine Fichtinger
Coaching (Hypno-systemisches Coaching, ThetaHealing, Aufstellungsarbeit), (PR-) Kommunikation und Training – co | ko | train e.U.

Barbara Gorihsen
Heilpraktikerin, ThetaHealing, Jin Shin Jyutsu (Heilströmen), Chakren-Energie-Arbeit, klass. Homöopathie

Jens Laue
ThetaHealing, Aura-Arbeit, Auszeit-Coaching, Haus- und Wohnungsentstörung

Schirin Proehl-Schraml
Dipl. Sportökonomin, ganzheitliche Ernährungstherapeutin
Individuelle Frequenzbehandlung (healy), Theta-Coaching, basische Körperbehandlungen, Emmett-Technique & Emmett 4 Animals

University degrees, education & trainings:

  • Compliance Management - Certified Compliance Professional
  • Fraud Management – Fraud Expert Finance
  • Supervisory & capital markets law
  • Certified naturopathic health practitioner for animals (VdT)
  • Certified homeopath for animals
  • Certified mycotherapist for animals
  • Animal communication
  • ThetaHealing Practitioner
  • Independent energetic healing and transformation (fht)
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